Fall Open House 2019

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It's finally Fall! Dance and Gymnastics classes have been in full swing at The Dance Centre for a while now. Parents are always welcome to watch class through our viewing windows, and we have been inviting parents in to watch snippets of dances and routines at the end of class, but each Fall, we also like to formally invite parents in to watch their child's classes in their entirety. Our Fall Open House is just the chance for you to do that!


Here are a few things to keep in mind as we approach our Fall Open House Week:

  • Your child wants to show you what they have been learning in class. Please be attentive and let them see you are there to support them.

  • Please keep in mind some children may be distracted or shy with new people in class. This is totally normal and we see it every year during Open House Week. Introducing new people into their classes is hard sometimes. If your child feels this way, or acts differently in class, please be patient. This is totally normal.

  • If your child is older, and is in multiple classes, we understand this can be a big time commitment for coming in to watch for an entire evening. Talk to your child and ask them what class they would like for you to watch the most. That way you'll be there to support your child and watch them shine!


Fall Open House is such a special time to come in and see your child's progress in their Dance and Gymnastics Classes.  We are so proud of what our students have accomplished so far this year, and we can't wait to share this week with you!  As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Happy Dancing! (And Flipping!),

Ms. Lindsay
