TDC News August 2019

Hello August!

{A note from Ms. Lindsay}   

I hope your August is off to a great start!  Ours sure is! We've spent the Summer here at TDC with some amazing classes!  I am working on totally revamping our website to make things more user friendly!  Stay tuned for the big website reveal!

This past Tuesday we had our annual Registration Day.  This is one of my favorite events we have at The Dance Centre each year.  I love getting to see my students and parents come in and to get the chance to reconnect and find out how their Summers are going.  I love meeting our new students and parents, too!  We had a great turn out at Registration Day, and I think our 2019-2020/Season 20 is going to be awesome!  I think it is so special that we are celebrating 20 years serving the Burg! 


If you weren't able to make it to Registration Day, I have two super easy ways to get you all set for classes starting next week.

1. Register online for 

Princess Ballerinas




2.  Come to class next week and register right on the spot


I just can't wait to get back to class!  Keep reading below for more August fun, our September Calendar, and more!  And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know!

Happy Dancing! (And Flipping!),
Ms. Lindsay

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August 5: First Day of Classes!

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September 3: Labor Day (closed)

September 7 at 11 a.m.: Old Fashioned Trading Days Performance


Our Princess Ballerinas theme for August is

Magical Meadow

(Used in our Creative Ballet, CreativeCombo, and KinderCombo classes!)