TDC News: March Edition

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Looking forward to an amazing March!

{A note from Ms. Lindsay}   

March is one of my favorite months (and not just because it's my birthday! ;) )  It's that sweet spot in the year when we've got lots of Recital prep going on... just right in the middle of things!  BUT I know I'll pretty much blink and Recital will be here!   So, with that in mind, here are some Recital updates:

  • We are right in the middle of Recital Choreography.  Things are going well and our dancers are working hard and doing a great job!

  • We expect our costume shipments in late April or early May.  We will e-mail you the day we expect to try costumes on in your classes to give you a heads up, so you can be prepared for that.

  • Next week, we have Dance Cast Lists for T-shirts and Recital Programs posted in the lobby.  I need all the help I can get in proofing these!  Please make sure you check both lists and look for correct spelling of your dancer's name and that their name is listed under the correct dances.  If all information is correct, please highlight their name.  If corrections are needed, please make them.

  • I will have Gymnastics Cast Lists up later in March, and be on the lookout for more information about our Gymnastics Showcase soon!

  • I will also have Recital T-shirt and Gymnastics Outfit previews to show you next week!  We will also begin taking orders for those, as well as Recital tights and bodysuits.

Keep reading for more great information including our March and April Calendars below!

Happy Dancing! (And Flipping!),
Ms. Lindsay

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March 23-26:  TDC Spirit Week


Our March Princess Ballerinas theme is At the Zoo!
Used in Toddlers in Tutus, Creative Ballet, Creative Combo, and Kinder Combo classes!

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April 6-10: Spring Break (Closed) 

April 20-23: Lemonade Escapade Week Kick off to a Sweet Summer!