TDC News: April Edition

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My, how things have changed.

(This newsletter is a bit lengthy and has lots of great links and please bear with me and read it thoroughly.) 

Normally in April, The Dance Centre is abuzz with excitement for our upcoming Dance Recitals and Gymnastics Showcase events.  This year, the studio is quiet, as we have transitioned to online classes as we are joining the initiative to keep everyone healthy at home during the COVID-19 health crises.

I am feeling blessed that I can keep serving our students and the community safely.  We have gotten lots of great feedback from parents and students about our Virtual Classes.  They give everyone a little normalcy during this difficult time of social distancing.  We get to see each other during our live class time and send virtual high fives, hearts, and blow kisses.  It helps to keep our spirits up.

Important April Announcements

  • If you have missed our Live Online Classes via Zoom, or would like to take class again at your convenience, I am linking the recordings below. 

  • We are working on a Bonus Content Library that will feature pre-recorded Warm-up and Technique classes AND all Recital Choreography.  We already have a lot of great content there and are continuing to update that.  It should be complete with classes and choreography for all dance classes by this afternoon.  (One idea for using this resource is to watch and participate your class' Warm Up and Technique, and then practice your Recital Routine.  A fun and easy way to take class any time you'd like!)

  • Please remember that we will be closed next week, April 6-10 for our regularly scheduled Spring Break and will not be hosting any Live Zoom classes.  Online Zoom classes will resume the week of April 13.  (Those items in our Bonus Content Library will be a great resource to keep you moving during Spring Break, and any time!)

  • I am also now currently offering some extra Free Facebook Live events to serve everyone even more.  Keep scrolling to find out more, and to access some fun freebies for this month.  We have a Magical Meadows playlist that goes along with our Preschool Dance Classes and a coloring sheet (that involves a unicorn!) that will get us all in the mood for spring.  I know your little one will love it!

  • One last note: You may be wondering about Spring Recital and Gymnastics Showcase Weekend.  Please know that we are working tirelessly to monitor this health crises and make the best decisions to keep everyone safe and healthy.  We will continue to monitor the situation and we will let you know as soon as possible once we know more.

Stay strong.  We will get through this together.

Wishing you love and light...and Happy Dancing!
Ms. Lindsay

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As things have closed down and life is changing due to COVID-19, we want to continue to serve our community!

While you may be stuck inside...we can continue to learn, grow, and have fun together! Join Ms. Lindsay for our FREE Facebook Live Dance and Story Time Event on Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. on our Facebook page.

Ms. Lindsay will be reading a different book each week, and then leading fun dance class activities for little ones! We will announce each week's book and theme here and on our Facebook Page. This story time is open to all ages, so please share and spread the love!

This would also be a great opportunity to let your little one dress up! Break out the costume box and have some fun! It's going to be tutu cute! Please join us!

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Feeling stressed?  Needing a little "Me Time"?

Join Lindsay for Mindfulness Mondays
A Weekly Wellness Activity for Adults. With Lindsay at The Dance Centre.

Join Lindsay for a special workshop series, hosted by Koru Mindfulness Instructor in Training, Lindsay Baker. This weekly series will include discussions about mindfulness, loving-kindness, and meditation, among other topics.

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We are committed to Making Dance Fun...even as we are staying Healthy at Home!

We know that April Showers bring May flowers so we are excited to share this Magical Meadows Spotify Playlist with you!  We are also including a fun matching coloring sheet for your little to color!  Enjoy!!!

Note: If you don’t already have a Spotify account, you will be asked to create one in order to access our list, but it’s FREE and EASY, and only takes a quick sec.

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