The Dance Centre at the Williamsburg Nursing Home


At The Dance Centre, we love to give back!  This year during the Holiday Season we will be performing our Holidazzle show for the Williamsburg Nursing Home on Wednesday, December 18 at 5:30 p.m. We will meet at Williamsburg Nursing Home at 5:15 to be ready to perform at 5:30. All costumes, hair, and make-up should be appropriate for the performance.   

The Nursing Home requests that we keep the hallways organized and clear, so each group will have a designated spot in the hall to wait before their turn to perform. Parents each group are welcome to come in to the Dining Hall to watch their dancer perform. Feel free to head out after your dancer has finished performing.


I love that we will be able to do this for the residents of the Williamsburg Nursing Home, and I just know it will brighten their Holidays!

Happy Dancing! (And Flipping!),

Ms. Lindsay
